Batching Images

ImageViewer has a powerful method of changing all the attributes of an image file using one simple batch process.


Batch Processing a File

Setting up a batch list to perform a host of modifications to a file is very easy to do.

To Batch Process an Image File:

  1. Select an image file.
  2. Select Batch from the File menu.
  3. Add the desired options to the Batch List.
  4. Click Run Batch.


Adding Batch Options

You can add as many batch options as desired to a Batch List.

To Add a Batch Option:

  1. Scroll the Batch List to where you want the new option positioned.
  2. Drag the batch option to its position in the Batch List.


Removing Batch Options

You can quickly remove a Batch option from the Batch List.

To Remove a Batch Option:

  1. Scroll to locate the batch option you want to remove.
  2. Double-click the option to remove from the Batch List.


Batch Options

When creating a batch list, you have the following options (as shown in the Batch window) that enable you to modify an image file.

Convert Depth:

Use the Convert Depth option to change the color depth of the image. Click and hold for a second on the Convert Depth icon to display the Convert Depth popup menu.

Change DPI:

Use the Change DPI option to change the resolution of the image. Click and hold for a second on the Change DPI icon to display the Change DPI popup menu.

Scale Image:

Use the Scale Image option to scale the image. Click and hold for a second on the Scale Image icon to display the Scale Image popup menu.

Rotate Left/Rotate Right:

Use the Rotate Left/Rotate Right options to rotate the image.

Flip Horizontal/Flip Vertical:

Use the Flip Horizontal/Flip Vertical options to flip the image.


Use the Invert option to invert the image.

Change Filename:

Click and hold for a second on the Change Filename icon to display the Change File Name window. Use the options in the Change File Name to define how to change the file's filename.

The Change Filename Options:

Previews & Icons:

Click and hold for a second on the Previews & Icons icon to display the Previews & Icons window. Use the following options:

to change how previews and icons are set for the modified file.

File Save:

Click and hold for a second on the File Save icon to display the Save File window. Use the following options:

to define how the newly saved file should be saved.


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